Read With Me Kids is a service of Qualint.

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The Goal

We want all kids to love reading and get good at it. We hope to be able to help with that.

How It All Started

Darren is the father of five and the grandfather of four. He has also been involved with many youth in church and scouting positions. He has seen first hand that reading is a powerful, foundational skill. Kids who read well will generally do well academically. Kids who don’t read well generally struggle. One day it occurred to Darren that as a software developer he had the skills to do something about it and felt that the biggest impact would come from helping kids love reading books and thus be excited and motivated to learn to read and to read often.

The Principles

Qualint is family owned and operated. We chose the name Qualint because we want our business to be based on principles of Quality and Integrity.

In our view, apps should be of high quality. They should work reliably and as advertised. When bugs are found, they should be fixed and the fixes made available at no charge.

We strive to be honest in all our dealings, to act with integrity, to never take unfair advantage. We also strive to provide good service and to be considerate and respectful in all situations.

Our intent is to have these values permeate our products and our activities. If you see an area that you feel doesn’t live up to these principles, please make us aware.