Reading and writing are fun! Children are delighted by stories with their own name and pictures

Make, share, and print personalized books!

Fun reading and writing experiences for kids!

 Children love stories about themselves.

Children that like reading become better readers.

Install the app on your Android phone

Fun With Personalized Books

Delight your child with a fun story that uses his/her name and pictures!

Help reluctant readers get excited by reading their own stories

Prepare for new experiences and teach good behaviors: going to the Doctor or Dentist, the first day of school, making friends, sharing toys, a new baby coming

Share Family History: how Mom and Dad met, what life was like when you were young, Grandparent’s stories

Memorialize a birthday, vacation, or other special event

Fun and easy to use!


Download and Print PDFs!

  • Turn your story into a PDF
  • Download and print on your computer
  • $1.99 for one, or unlimited from $2.49 per month

Share your books!

  • Upload to the web with one touch
  • Share a link via email or social media with a touch
  • Free and unlimited!

Read together!

  • Touch a word to highlight it for a child to read
  • Read on any mobile device or computer
  • Free and unlimited!

Story Templates!

  • Very quick – provide pictures and a few answers and get a fun personalized story!
  • Growing list of fun, positive, stories
  • Sample books above were made from Story Templates in minutes
  • Fully editable like your own stories

Make Your Book Your Way!

  • Create a new book from scratch
  • Modify and add to Story Templates
  • Use a camera or saved pictures
  • Move pictures and text by touch
  • Resize by touch
  • Have multiple pictures with borders on a page Delight your child with a fun story that uses his/her name and pictures!Delight your child with a fun story that uses his/her name and pictures!
  • Set a picture as the background of a page
  • Choose the text and background color
  • Add as many pages as you want
  • Works with Android or Apple phones or tablets